How it Works




Create a free profile

Tell us about yourself so you can start making connections and searching for potential matches. To start messaging safely, all Premium members go through a simple address check.


Look around a bit

Based on your profile we’ll show you the members who are near you. We suggest reaching out to several people as both dogs as well as humans benefit from social interaction.


Meet up in person

Go on a ‘Welcome Walk’ to get to know each other at a local park. We recommend members ask lots of questions and build trust before a dog is taken care of by another dog lover.


Make more friends!

Keep growing your network of dog care friendships. There’s no limit to how many wonderful dogs and dog lovers you can meet. Learn more about going Premium →

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Helpful tips

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Meet at a public park

We recommend introducing dogs at a public park or going for a walk together. Meet in a neutral space where neither dog feels protective of the territory. Do some activities your dog loves while you are together. Also, if the owner allows it, bring along some treats.

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Go over dog's habits

Ask the owner lots of questions, learn what the dog likes and dislikes. It is crucial for everyone, especially the dogs, to be comfortable and happy. Also, be courteous when asking people to care for your dog. Don’t overdo it - ask of others what you would want for yourself.

Consider a home visit

Before an overnight stay, it is good to do a home visit so the dog is more relaxed when staying there. While away from their owner, dogs enjoy having a familiar smell around like a t-shirt or blanket. Try to return the favor - remember that reciprocity is what makes the Paw community so wonderful!

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Be mindful of anxiety

Should a dog experience separation anxiety, consider positive reinforcement by leaving treats or special toys when they are alone. If the dog is crate-trained that might help keep them calm or leaving a TV on.


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